{"id":5258,"date":"2023-02-21T04:06:40","date_gmt":"2023-02-21T04:06:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/howtostyle.com\/?p=5258"},"modified":"2023-02-21T04:06:40","modified_gmt":"2023-02-21T04:06:40","slug":"how-to-style-a-wig-look-natural","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/howtostyle.com\/how-to-style-a-wig-look-natural\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Style A Wig Look Natural?"},"content":{"rendered":"

How To Style A Wig Look Natural?<\/strong><\/h1>\n

To make a wig appear natural<\/a>, there are some steps you can take. First, ensure that the wig is correctly fitted on your head. If it’s not tight enough or tight, it could look unnatural. Then, think about cutting or changing the style of the wig to suit your face’s shape and personal fashion. You can use a wig cap to assist in keeping the natural hair in its place and give it an appealing, natural appearance. Also, consider adding gentle highlights and lowlights on the wig for more of an illusion of depth and depth as natural hair. If you keep these ideas in mind, creating a wig that looks natural and complements your individual characteristics is possible.<\/span><\/p>\n

If you’re wearing a real or synthetic wig, there are various methods to dress it in a more natural way.<\/span><\/p>\n

One method to give a more natural appearance is to alter your hairline. This is particularly important when it comes to synthetic wigs at a reasonable price which often has hairlines that are sloppy.<\/span><\/p>\n

How To Choose the Right Wig?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Before you start with your new wig, you must be sure that you’ve picked the best one. There are many aspects to take into consideration when choosing the right wig. These include:<\/span><\/p>\n

  • Material:<\/strong> Wigs are made using natural or synthetic hair. Synthetic wigs tend to be more affordable, but they don’t look natural. Natural hair wigs can be more costly; however, you can style them as your hair.<\/span><\/li>\n
  • Style:<\/strong> Wigs are available in various styles, from short and elegant to curly and long. You should think about the hairstyle you’d like to have and search for a wig that complements the style you want to achieve.<\/span><\/li>\n
  • The color:<\/strong> If you’re searching for the right wig for your hair color, select one as close as you can. You may also try different shades to experiment with something different.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    After you’ve picked the perfect hairstyle that suits you best, it’s time to wear it!<\/span><\/p>\n

    Prepping Your Hair<\/b><\/h3>\n

    Before you wear your wig, you must prep your natural hair. Start by tying it back into a ponytail or braid, ensuring it’s as flat as possible. If you have long hair, twisting it into a bun and fixing it using Bobby pins is possible.<\/span><\/p>\n

    If you’re suffering from the loss of hair in your hair, you might prefer wearing a wig cap to keep your wig on its feet. They are also beneficial for those with short hair as they offer a level surface on which the wig can rest.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Putting On The Wig<\/b><\/h3>\n

    When you’re ready to put on your wig, secure it with the ear tabs and gently shake it to release the fibers. After that, put the wig on top of your head and then adjust the ear tabs until they’re placed in the temples of your head. Make sure that the wig is lying flat on your head. Ensure its font is close to your eyebrows.<\/span><\/p>\n

    If your wig comes with adjustable straps, use straps to loosen or tighten the wig until you feel snug. It is also possible to utilize bobby pins to attach the wig to your hair, especially around your hairline.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Styling Your Wig<\/b><\/h3>\n

    After installing your wig, you can fashion it however you’d like. Some wigs come with pre-styled hair, and some can be styled naturally. You can apply heating tools for styling, like straighteners and curling irons for natural hair wigs. However, you should not use them on synthetic hair wigs.<\/span><\/p>\n

    For keeping your hair looking new and fresh, It is recommended to wash it once every 6-8 weeks. Then, apply a wig shampoo and a conditioner to gently clean and moisturize the hair and hang it up to dry it out.<\/span><\/p>\n